Map of Arctic kelp now and in the future
Goldsmit, J., Schlegel, R., Filbee-Dexter, K., MacGregor, K. A., Johnson, L. E., Mundy, C. J., et al. (2021). Kelp in the Eastern Canadian Arctic: current and future predictions of habitat suitability and cover. Front. Mar. Sci. 18, 1453. doi:10.3389/FMARS.2021.742209/BIBTEX.
Bringloe TT, Wilkinson DP, Goldsmit J, Savoie AM, Filbee‐Dexter K, Macgregor KA, Howland KL, McKindsey CW, Verbruggen H (2022) Arctic marine forest distribution models showcase potentially severe habitat losses for cryophilic species under climate change. Global Change Biology 28: 3711-3727.
Key drivers of change to pan-Arctic vegetated ecosystems
Krause-Jensen, D., Archambault, P., Assis, J., Bartsch, I., Bischof, K., Filbee-Dexter, K., et al. (2020). Imprint of climate change on pan-Arctic marine vegetation. Front. Mar. Sci. 7, 617324. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.617324.
Schlegel RW, Darmaraki S, Benthuysen JA, Filbee-Dexter K, Oliver ECJ (2021) Marine cold spells. Progress in Oceanography 198:102685.
Ecology and drivers of kelp abundance in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
Filbee-Dexter K, MacGregor KA, Lavoie C, Garrido I , Goldsmit J, de la Guardia LC, Howland K, Johnson LE, Konar B, McKindsey CW, Mundy CJ, Schlegel RW, Archambault P. Sea ice and substratum shape extensive kelp forests in the Canadian Arctic. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:754074. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.754074.
Castro de la Guardia L, Filbee-Dexter K, Reimer J, MacGregor KA, Garrido I, Singh RA, Belanger S, Konar B, Iken KI, Johnson LE, Archambault P, Sejr MK, Søreide JE, CJ Mundy. (in press). Increasing depth distribution of Arctic kelp with increasing number of open water days with light. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene Ms. No. ELEMENTA-D-22-00051R2.
Filbee-Dexter K, Feehan CJ, Smale D, Krumhansl KA, Augustine S, de Bettignies F, Burrows MT, Byrnes JEK, Campbell J, Davoult D, Dunton KH, Franco JN, Garrido I, Grace SP, Hancke K, Johnson LE, Konar B, Pedersen MF, Moore PJ, Norderhaug KM, O’Dell A, Salomon AK, Sousa-Pinto I, Tiegs S, Yiu D, Wernberg T. (2022) Cool high-latitude kelp forests display slow kelp decomposition and enhanced carbon-sink potential. PLoS Biology 20, e3001702.
Genetic diversity of Arctic Alaria - a unique lineage in the Canadian Arctic!
Bringloe, T. T., Zaparenkov, D., Starko, S., Vieira, C., Kawai, H., Hanyuda, T., et al. (2021). Whole genome sequencing reveals forgotten lineages and recurrent hybridizations within the kelp genus Alaria (Phaeophyceae) whole genome sequencing reveals forgotten lineages and (Phaeophyceae). J. Phycol. doi:
Bringloe TT, Fort A, Inaba M, Sulpice R, Ní Ghriofa C, Mols‐Mortensen A, Filbee-Dexter K, Vieira C, Kawai H, Hanyuda T, Krause‐Jensen D. (2022). Whole genome population structure of North Atlantic kelp confirms high latitude glacial refugia. Molecular Ecology 31: 6473-6488.
Arctic kelp forests highlighted in UNEP Report on kelp ecosystems
United Nations Environment Programme (2023). Into the Blue: Securing a sustainable future for kelp forests. M. Potouroglou, K. Filbee-Dexter, G. Grimsditch, H. Gundersen, S. Llutz, G. Sanders (eds). United Nations Environment Programme. Nairobi (in press).
Popular Science Articles
Berge J, Filbee-Dexter K, Duarte C, Krause-Jensen D, Howland K, Archambault P. 2020. Arctic Ocean: climate change is flooding the remote north with light – and new species. The Conversation Oceans 21. (popular science article)
Merino D, Ware G. 2021. Diving in the icy depths: the scientists studying what climate change is doing to the Arctic Ocean – The Conversation Weekly podcast
Underwater forests in the Arctic expand with rapid warming. The Conversation Canada.
Sierra Club. 2021. Say hello to the arctic kelp rush: could the arctic become a kelp boomtown? (media article)
PBS News Hour. 2020. Climate change is flooding the remote north with light – and new species. (

Planned Deliverables
Identification of the key drivers of change to kelps forests and areas that are vulnerable to threats
Policy recommendation for sustainable kelp forest management, with key knowledge gaps
Estimate of ecosystem services provided by kelp forests in the Canadian Arctic
Professional competence building and knowledge transfer to Northern communities (Certifications for participants of course indicating level of taxonomic expertise)
Openly available outreach videos, lesson plans, and course materials on Arctic coastal habitats
Development of a strong network of researchers, government scientists, organizations, and students working on Arctic coastal ecosystems in Canada