This is it: done and dusted!!
Here’s a little summary of the SIMEP cruise (in numbers):
-A total of 87 (person) dives
-Over 1000 kelp individuals collected, processed and measured
-About 30 different algae species collected and pressed
-22 Nautical miles of circumnavigation around Southampton Island
-50 polar bears and probably as many walruses
-26 sampling stations
-Countless stomach butterflies!!

It’s been unreal! Special shout-out to the entire crew of the William Kennedy, who has been extremely patient and helpful throughout this month!
We are now restless, and ready to go back to “normal life”, whatever that means (completing an undergrad for some, a PhD for others or even a post-doc!) 😉
To conclude this part of the blog on a colorful note, here are some pictures of what has undeniably been one of the highlights of this adventure: the worthy-of-a-fairy-tail sunsets and northern lights.
And off we go, passing on the torch of our Arctic Kelp blog to our fellow scientists undertaking another field campaign in Pond inlet. Good luck to all!
Cheers, and thanks for following! 😀